Anymade Studio

Carnations and Velvet
Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia (1968–1974–1989)
Hard cover binding, 17 × 24,5, 196 pgs
ISBN: 978-80-7010-157-5

Exhibition Catalogue for the curatorial project Carnations and Velvet / Art and Revolution in Portugal and Czechoslovakia for the first time presents Portuguese art in the Czech lands and Slovakia. Surprising similarities, parallels and paradoxes of epoch-making events in Portugal and Czechoslovakia. Borders of a democratic continent, as well as borders of an epoch – Carnation and Velvet Revolutions as the first and last of the “third wave” of world revolutions and their reflection in visual arts. Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library of Prague (30. 4. – 29. 9. 2019).

Images 20 Year