Anymade Studio

Epos 1967–1980
Soft cover binding, 24 × 31, 240 pgs
ISBN: 978-80-7009-169-2

The Book will showcase the work of photographers from the group EPOS. As the so-called Brno School of Arranged Photography, their staged photographs have carved out their own niche in the history of Czechoslovak photography. The elegiac, gloomy tone of their photographs accords with the mindset of the defiant long-haired “big-beat” youth of the 1970s and the free hippie spirit of the end of the sixties. The group’s photographs bear traces of inspiration from New Wave film aesthetics, fashion photography, and reportage in the period magazines oriented on the young generation. The curator Pavel Vančát approached the exhibition as an art-historical reflection of the phenomenon of staged photography. The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication with extensive documentation and analysis of this phenomenon.

Images 20 Year 2017