Anymade Studio

The Young Friend of Fine Arts
(MPVU 1960–1995)
Softcover binding, 155 × 224, 264 pgs
ISBN: 9788070091982, Published by House of Arts Brno

The association MPVU represented a unique activity in Czechoslovakia, responding to the change in the attitude of the visual art audience of the second half of the 20th century. The MPVU became a platform for meetings and non-formal education, encouraging the participants in their own artistic creations. The MPVU programme functioned as an alternative information channel, providing the possibility to get to know the current theoretical discourse and new art forms in the country and internationally outside the official structures, which were at the time subject to ideological censorship. Although the MPVU belonged to the official institution of the House of Arts, a number of activities that were not subject to the strict approval of the Cultural Commission could be organized under its heading.

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